The Lacey Township Police Department would like to remind all parents that effective March 1, 2006, New Jersey’s Bicycle Helmet Law has changed. All young people under the age of 17 are now required to wear an approved helmet when cycling, roller skating, in-line skating, or skateboarding. The law previously affected riders under the age of 14.

Each year, bicyclists are killed or injured in New Jersey due to bicycle crashes. Many bicycle deaths result from bicycle-motor vehicle collisions. However, injuries can happen anywhere, including parks, bike paths and driveways, and often do not involve motor vehicles.

Head injury is the most serious injury type and the most common cause of death among bicyclists. The most severe injuries are those to the brain that cause permanent damage. Bicycle helmets can prevent or diminish the severity of these injuries.

Under the new law, those caught not wearing a helmet may receive a warning. A minor’s legal guardian can be fined up to $25.00 for a first offense and up to $100.00 for subsequent offenses, if a lack of parental supervision contributes to the offense.