One of the most important responsibilities of a law enforcement agency is the training and education of all personnel. The Lacey Township Police Department has in place a comprehensive policy that addresses the organization and administration of the entire training process, including recruit training, field training, in-service training, and firearms training. The Training Function of the Lacey Township Police Department is coordinated by Lieutenant Robert Flynn, as well as other select and highly qualified members of the agency.

Basic Recruit Training

All police officers hired by the Lacey Township Police Department must attend a state certified police academy. Curriculum is governed by the New Jersey Police Training Commission (PTC) and includes various subjects including but not limited to: Arrest, Search & Seizure; Criminal Law; Motor Vehicle Law, Interpersonal Skills; Physical Fitness and Firearms.

Field Training Officer Program (FTO)

Upon graduation from an accredited academy, all officers return to the police department and are required to successfully complete a Field Training Program (FTO). The FTO program is an additional 4-6 months of intense training and evaluation in which the probationary officer is paired with an experienced officer who has been carefully selected and trained as a Field Training Officer. It is the goal of the FTO Program to prepare and develop Probationary Officers to act efficiently, effectively and safely in a solo patrol capacity. The field training program is coordinated by Sergeant Michael Verwey and overseen by Lieutenant Robert Flynn.

In-Service Training

Throughout their careers, members of the police department continue to update and refresh their skills and knowledge through in-service training. From mandatory annual courses to specialized topics, in-service training is a vital instrument to maintain a highly motivated, efficient department. In-service training includes courses such as:

Accident Investigation
Active Shooter Response
Alcotest Operator Certification
Assault Rifle Instructor
Basic SWAT
Basic Telecommunicator
Bias Incident
Blood-borne Pathogens
Constitutional Law
Counter-Terrorism Intelligence

Criminal Law
Crisis Call Handling
Cyber Crimes
Defensive Driving Instructor
Domestic Violence
Emergency Medical Dispatch
Emergency Response Awareness
EMT Re-Certification

Firearms Instructor
Firearms Qualification
Glock Armorer’s Course
Hazardous Materials
High Risk Motor Vehicle Stops
Incident Command
Interview & Interrogation
Juvenile Law
Motor Vehicle Law
Police Supervision and Management

Radar Certification
Right to Know
School Resource Officer
Traffic Control / Flagging
Use of Force
Vehicular Pursuit