Day 13:

As we have faced many obstacles this year during the COVID-19 Pandemic, our police officers have had to adapt too many changes in our daily operations.  This especially includes the way incident reports are accepted from the public. Although under normal circumstances we prefer face to face reporting, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an officer is periodically assigned to the Records Bureau, where he or she will facilitate all non-emergent incident reports from the public over the telephone. These telephonic reports must meet specific criteria, for example, an incident that does not require the collection of evidence, in order to be facilitated over the phone.  Telephonic reporting is done to limit the potential exposure of COVID-19 to both the public, and our police officers.  Today, Elf Officer Justice was assigned to the Records Bureau and assumed this position.  While we encourage face-to-face interaction between the public and our police officers to ensure strong community relations, this is a temporary policy which will conclude upon the end of this pandemic.