Lacey Twp. Police 2025 25th Anniversary
Cop Card Program
The Lacey Township Police Department (LTPD) first began the Cop Card Program twenty-five years ago, in the year 2000. Since then, LTPD has hosted seven additional Cop Card Program campaigns. This program comes highly regarded by members of the public as our goal is to familiarize residents, both children and adults alike, with those who serve the Township of Lacey. Positive interactions with police officers will not only provide a sense of comfort to children, but also provide them with the “humanization” of our officers.
Many times, parents and children may feel intimidated by the presence of a police officer, without realizing that we, too, live in this town, and take great pride in ensuring the protection of our residents. A strong sense of transparency and trust in those who take an oath to serve and protect your community is of most importance. This campaign has, “Bridged the gap,” in many areas of community relations with the police, and has even influenced children to also pursue future careers in Law Enforcement.
The faces of LTPD have changed drastically since the beginning of this campaign. Generally, the career of a Law Enforcement Officer in New Jersey is twenty five years of service, and having begun this program twenty-five years ago, there are many officers our residents may not recognize. In addition to the, “Changing of the guard,” at LTPD, our community has welcomed many new residents. As LTPD is committed to serving this community with honor and integrity, we are determined to maintain the strong relationship with the children and parents of Lacey Township.